Our Sunday Worship Services meet in person at 10:55 am. Recordings of our services are made available online through a link on our homepage and below. Please review our updated guidelines (here) to ensure your health and safety. We are blessed to be able to offer both forms of worship to accommodate what is best for you.
Upcoming and Recent Worship Services:
Sunday - December 15th - "Sing We Now of Christmas"
Sunday - December 22nd - "The Wonder of the Arrival"
Sunday - December 24th - "Christmas Eve Worship"
Sunday - January - 19th - "The Wedding at Cana"
Sunday - January - 26th - "Good News for the Poor"
Sunday - February - 2nd - "A Prophet in His Own Town"
Oakwood First UMC has a blended style of worship and averages 30 in attendance each Sunday.